58Friends 115Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
Catholic Wife and Mother working as a primary teacher for Education Queensland.
Also a blogger, knitter, reader and craftsperson.
teachingmother thinks
11 years ago 3
it's time for bed (wave)
teachingmother feels
11 years ago 1
like a fool. Almost finished knitting hat for colleague's baby shower then saw on FB that it was on today and I wasn't invited. :'-(
teachingmother feels
11 years ago
very flat at the end of a terrible Sunday. Hoping Monday will be better and really looking forward to PD on Wednesday
teachingmother thinks
11 years ago 2
if I'm going to get any decent knitting time this weekend I need to get lots of other things done - or maybe in between
teachingmother hopes
11 years ago
Dolen Diaries: earth day art: pan stamping this little art activity will go over well in year 3 tomorrow. First time I've dared to use paint with this group.
teachingmother thinks
11 years ago 1
a hot shower, some marking and some knitting before I hit the sack
teachingmother is
11 years ago
knitting a little hat that is "labrador" coloured with ears
teachingmother thinks
11 years ago
it's hard to be a teaching mother when the person teaching your own child is doing a mediocre job at best
teachingmother likes
11 years ago 2
that I sold my first lot of Avon's A-F33 today. Hopefully many more to come.
teachingmother has
11 years ago
caught up with a bit of The Voice from last week but ended up taping it because I'm not good with sitting through ads any more