58Friends 115Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
Catholic Wife and Mother working as a primary teacher for Education Queensland.
Also a blogger, knitter, reader and craftsperson.
teachingmother feels
11 years ago 3
very weary
teachingmother has
11 years ago
had to frog my mystery KAL but I'm back on track now
teachingmother likes
11 years ago 2
that there are only 4 days of term left
teachingmother wonders
11 years ago 1
marking or knitting or housework?
teachingmother thinks
11 years ago
should do some school work but rather tired (:
teachingmother says
11 years ago 3
Good morning! (dance)
teachingmother is
11 years ago 2
satisfied. Finished second side of entrelac laptop satchel. Now I can go to bed so I'm ready for KAL excitement in the am
teachingmother feels
11 years ago
excited to see Westknits clue #1 but can't decide what to do. Have a go or wait till tomorrow at LYS KAL. I could work on something else or maybe...
teachingmother feels
11 years ago 1
like I haven't had enough weekend. Sigh! Two more weeks till the holidays!
teachingmother has
11 years ago
been for a walk to the dog park. Lots of doggy friends there today!