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thegal says
11 years ago
but i guess i am glad enough, at least now i manage to find my soul mate.
thegal says
11 years ago
she's lucky, when she was with you, she didnt had to face those fake friend of ur's. or prolly, i didnt handle it well enough
thegal says
11 years ago
sick :-(
thegal says
11 years ago
yes, i kinda miss those days texting with merv :/ kinda think of him out of a sudden.
thegal says
11 years ago 3
you know, u're such a good liar. what u said earlier this yr doesnt tally with what u are doing now
thegal says
11 years ago
trying to scam the old man and hopes he passes me his ipad tomorrow so that i can type a long passage for him.
thegal says
11 years ago
thegal says
11 years ago
the man bought me a ring :-) something on my 4th finger again..
thegal says
11 years ago
i know this is not the best of me as yet ..
thegal says
11 years ago
how we fell for each other and how we felt.