24Friends 18Fans
female Loudon, TN, United States
themidnightwriter says
15 years ago 2
I need more friends and conversation. what do you all care about today?
themidnightwriter says
15 years ago
it's a beautiful fall morning and the sun is shining through our rose colored curtains. Hubby and I are working at home drinking coffee. mmm
themidnightwriter says
15 years ago
I'm having fun building some new blogs. Visit www.bloguback.info/blogu...
15 years ago
good night
15 years ago
Christmas is Coming christmasiscoming.wordpr...
themidnightwriter wonders
15 years ago
if any one is awake out there?
themidnightwriter wonders
15 years ago
how do you decide what kind of blog you will build? www.themidnightwriter.or...
themidnightwriter says
15 years ago 1
our grandson is hanging out with us today cause he doesn't feel well enough to be in school
themidnightwriter says
15 years ago
don't miss the Glory Days rock n roll symposium with Bruce Springsteen www.examiner.com/x-23975...