🦋 grumpy windy
18Friends 1Fans
female Washington, United States
just a thirty something long time rper and overall nerd. why do i let myself be talked into these things?
discord thewindysea

I just want to shout at my mother that I don't care about anything she does. I don't care about the garden, or the paint colors, or the fucking design of the damn windows.

I just do not fucking care.

Sometimes I think I just need to move out and run away.

I'd kill for a King Cake right now.

It sounds so good.

finally got around to starting my enamel pin Instagram. I have a lot of pins to document...

Of course I started with my boy...

Ben Solo

I have learned that my bestie has never been to Ikea.

look at my good boy riding shotgun to the dog park

I love my family. But I am so happy everyone has left.

Especially my father.

He's my complete opposite. He almost got kicked out twice from my house for being an asshole.

2021 definitely had its ups and downs for me.

lost a job, got a new job, lost another job, got the job I'm in now.

my nephew was born.

went to Disneyworld.

It was a year. it wasn't my year, which I never decreed that it would be. but I'm still here and still fighting.

because by Bob I am not going to let Mitch McConnell outlive me.
New art of Rostriel and I'm so happy with it!

COVID-19 booster is scheduled.

In December, but scheduled!

A conversation in my house today...

'Sucrose causes cancer. You should switch to Stevia.'

Sucrose is just table sugar.