3Friends 51Fans
male Daly City, CA, United States
15 years ago
in recent years has discovered a Welsh branch in his ancestry, so really wants to visit Wales. And, thanks to Torchwood, especially Cardiff.
thomwatson has
15 years ago
really been enjoying all the cooking he's been doing recently. Just made pesto with fresh basil that otherwise was going to go to waste.
15 years ago
just downloaded Duffy's new 6-song Deluxe EP for $0.99 total, today only, on Amazon:
thomwatson was
15 years ago
completely blown away by Slumdog Millionaire. Wow. Just. Wow.
15 years ago
and Jeff made/ate a delicious whipped-egg, cilantro-sausage, onion, pepper, cheese oven-baked omelet. Resting before Slumdog Millionaire.
15 years ago
just came home with some cool midcentury stuff--vinyl bench, glassware, fabrics, art, etc.--from a friend's garage sale, for a total of $40.
thomwatson is
15 years ago
making Italian Wedding Soup from Cooking with All Things Trader Joe's: onions, carrots, garlic, chicken stock, meatballs, spinach & parm.
thomwatson has
15 years ago
long been interested in a Kindle but the price point for v.2 is still /way/ too high. Even an iPod Touch is less, and does so much more.
thomwatson was
15 years ago
most disappointed w/ "in the middle, slightly elevated." Clearly a difficult dance, the troupe couldn't make it look easy or passionate.
15 years ago
found the 1st piece, "Naked," however, to be unmoving and not particularly well-danced, especially the couple who danced the 1st movement.