4Friends 79Fans
male Atlanta, GA, United States
timdorr says
12 years ago
TIL: Mila Kunis stared in an American Psycho sequel, directed by a guy named Morgan Freeman. ping.fm/FJiIY
timdorr says
12 years ago
Sweet! I'm in the Firefall beta! Time to blow up some people tomorrow :-D
timdorr says
12 years ago
Angry Birds Space is out. Uh oh...
timdorr says
12 years ago
It's a Wingnuts kind of Wednesday.
timdorr says
12 years ago
It was reported that someone broke a hole through a fence at the nudist colony. The police are looking into it.
timdorr says
12 years ago
What do you call it when a bull swallows a hand grenade? Abominable. What do you call the same situation a minute later? Noble.
timdorr says
12 years ago
Well, well, well... ping.fm/VP81h
timdorr says
12 years ago
Btw, we have a hot tub on the boat. Say whaaaaaat? http://pingfmmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/img/h1BuHQlb/VWvu9wvJ6whZWsZZ.jpg
timdorr says
12 years ago
Perfect: "PayPal's triangle is Square's worst enemy"