5Friends 16Fans
female Malaysia
tom108 says
15 years ago 2
Nearly 3 months not log in, haha, facebook is my new favorite now.
tom108 says
15 years ago
Wah, I have 15 fans now. Unexpected.
tom108 says
15 years ago 2
hello, good morning everybody.
tom108 says
15 years ago 3
刚才大鱼大肉了一餐。 (mmm)
tom108 says
15 years ago 2
因为一个茶席,我认识了不少的朋友。虽然,大家平时都有见过面,有些甚至已经认识了超过五年,但是,毕竟不熟。通过这次面对面的交流,在facebook 增加了几个朋友,真开心。 :-D
tom108 says
15 years ago 2
今天是华人七月初一了。真快啊!每年的七月都是我在赶帐的时候,偏偏又要加班。今年的情况应该有所改善了,因为有两个六月,所以,再多一个礼拜我就不需要加班了。哈哈。 :-P
tom108 says
15 years ago 3
That's the main purpose and message passed of my tea table. Feel relax & tired after the presentation. I make it. ;-)
tom108 says
15 years ago
I make it. Each round is unique. Cannot compare. And the taste degree 1st, 2nd & 3rd cup is improving.
tom108 says
15 years ago
Totally 4 presentation. The last group of guest ask me which round I feel the best. Well, frankly speaking, for me all is my best. :-P
tom108 says
15 years ago
well, the tea presentation yesterday I am enjoyed. A bit nervous at the beginning, but I make it finally. :-)