Ruthy ﭢ
33Friends 58Fans
female Marikina City, Philippines
19. Graduate of UST BS Pharmacy.
Board passer. Med bound. :-)
a daddy's girl and is proud of it.
desserts are my specialty.
so let my sweet things melt into your hearts like snow. ♥
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
League of Legends. Hoho! Time to get my game on! :-D<
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Worried about my brother's health. 150/110. SERIOUSLY? :|
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
happy happy happy ;D
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Cupcake..cupcakes...cupcakes!! It's raining cupcakes! :-D
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Roses and other pretty flowers spread outside...allergies for me. This sucks. :-(
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Good night to all. :-)
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Why so emo? :|
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Blank eyes, the absence of all feelings. The facade of my heartless attempt to block all hurt and painful stabs to my heart
Ruthy ﭢ
11 years ago
Lying not to hurt someone's it still bad?