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male Lucena, Philippines
I’m not always happy,for a long there has been a sad part of me,betteryet I don’t want to be a whining sook always complaining.I always try to look on the bright side of life.Most of the time.

madhatter says
14 years ago
i drank so much iced tea today. i think if you cut me open i would bleed tea. =))
madhatter says
14 years ago
nap sounds good right now. I had way too much coffee. I'll be wide awake later.
madhatter says
14 years ago
“I’m a firm believer that sometimes its right to do the wrong thing.”— Dawson’s Creek
madhatter says
14 years ago
just got home from pizzahut with ate joy haha! :-D
madhatter says
14 years ago
don’t you dare tell me to “lighten up” when you’ve been the main cause of my bad mood today.
madhatter says
14 years ago
“And once you lose yourself you have two choices… find the person you use to be or lose that person completely” — Brooke - One tree hill
madhatter says
14 years ago
it's ok pluto,i still think you're a planet :-)
madhatter wants
14 years ago
to thank everyone that has been here for me this last hour,I am still really upset but it's nice to hear support from people. (wave)
14 years ago
oh you make me smile=)
14 years ago
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow