43Friends 11Fans
female De Forest, WI, United States
I'm a Theatre Educator and Library Media Specialist who loves working with ALL students, K-12th grade.
yertleunertl shares
13 years ago I love Wisconsin winters.
yertleunertl has
13 years ago 4
successfully walked a group of 4th graders through voting. Next group to go tomorrow.
yertleunertl has
13 years ago
finished writing her unit plans and is watching the TCU v. UW-Madison game. Go Badgers!
yertleunertl is
14 years ago
purging her library of old materials - we lost our storage room to office space and need places for the stuff in the storage room to go.
yertleunertl loves
14 years ago
it when she gets new books! 74 new volumes for our library has me pumped!
yertleunertl was
14 years ago 1
asked how to switch sound between the DVD/VCRs and Computers again. I'm making a cheat sheet.
yertleunertl was
14 years ago
asked "what does a termite look like?" and ran straight for her trusty encyclopedia - the computers take too long to load.
yertleunertl is
14 years ago
tired, but has all her X-mas/Solstice decorations up. Tree and "festive cactus" are done, as are all the outdoor lights!
yertleunertl is
14 years ago 1
glad book fairs are done, but terribly upset over the whole North/South Korea thing. Not looking good, is it?
yertleunertl is
14 years ago
hitting the hay... but not literally. I'm very thankful for modern mattress materials.