17Friends 100Fans
male Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Online strategy and design keep me busy during the day. My labradors and wife keep life good all of the rest.
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
Hoot in 3D! #HootSuite announces 3D Social Media Dashboard! #HootSuite3D ping.fm/KGqfS
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
Today may be the day I look forward to the most every year. It's tourney time.
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
A great story that once again shows a double standard against non profits: ow.ly/1lk72
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
Pinback. Yes today is a day for Pinback
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
I can drink coffee at any temperature...even luke warm.
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
I find it satisfying to say that UM hasn't beat MSU in football or basketball for almost 900 days.
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
I forgot it's Mobile World Congress week. So many cool things, WM 7 Series, Bada, MeeGo, yum yum mobile stuff.
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
"Winners become sinners when confidence turns into complacency and arrogance." - Rosabeth Moss Kanter, HBR (ow.ly/155jH)
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
This game was made for me. ow.ly/12FM1
unraveledideamill says
14 years ago
If you feel bad/uncertain about doing something does it mean you shouldn't have or that maybe you just made a hard decision?