141Friends 59Fans
female Culver City, CA, United States
I build websites for a webslinger.
twitter: urlgrl
urlgrl thinks
16 years ago
work people getting on plurk reddawg31
urlgrl thinks
16 years ago 4
now Cheryl needs friends www.plurk.com/user/CBroo...
urlgrl thinks
16 years ago 8
teeffany needs friends on plurk www.plurk.com/user/teeff...
urlgrl is
16 years ago 10
heading to a meeting about plurk with marketing people. Yeah!
urlgrl is
16 years ago 3
laughing because an email says "squish cache". Not sure why it 's funny - but it is.
urlgrl thinks
16 years ago 6
if it wasn't for gas prices being so high, i'd put on some good music and drive up the california coast for a few days.
urlgrl is
16 years ago 9
wondering if i can get a discount on a chair with my name on it from plummers tinyurl.com/552y4r
urlgrl is
16 years ago 8
amused at how fast plurk karma can take a downward turn
urlgrl is
16 years ago 6
happy. Starbucks guy gave her a free blueberry oat bar and venti drip. The power of please and thank you when busy.
urlgrl thinks
16 years ago 9
ears itch. Not getting sick. NOT!!!