so tired. Have test today in a hour and a half, so not prepared. I studied but I'm fighting off sleep.
exhausted. Can't go to bed though, got to make note cards to study from in the morning for my test at 10:30 am. Shame on me procrastinator
made some chai tea. No matter how hard I try...I greatly dislike chai tea. Just thought I would give it another try. It worked for Earl Grey
It's 39 outside. This will be a tough morning...I'm used to 80s with low of 50 not 30!!!
I'm getting tired of going to college. I want it to be over with already!!!
i dropped the fish emulsion today. It exploded and I've been cleaning it up for the past hour. Now my apartment smells gross, gag.
went and got rooting hormone but came back with more. Now got an orchid hanging from the bar for the blinds....hubby doesn't want it there
need to get my butt going and start sowing seeds and taking cuttings. I need rooting hormone but dont feel like leaving the house today
anyone with great horticulture book recommendations. Hurry before I check out!
had plans to clean today but hubby to decided to get ready for next months schedule today....He will be asleep until about 6 or 7 pm. GREAT!