5Friends 4Fans
female Indonesia
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
ngantuk tp msih asiik aja ngotak atik komputer...hufh
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
must be mature girl,keep smile for anything that was done... just solve it with your way. God always beside you, vie remember it.. :-)
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
harus buru" masak niie sebelum mama ngamuk
vie_marshmallow feels
15 years ago
kesel bangetttt lyat tingkah lw.....
vie_marshmallow hopes
15 years ago
he'll come back to me... :'-(
vie_marshmallow loves
15 years ago
chocolate so much
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
I need you NOW beiyb... really need YOU.... ONLY YOU :-o
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
I need YOU NOW beiyb.... really need YOU... :-(
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
feel better NOW... thx God for all... ;-)
vie_marshmallow says
15 years ago
really miss him ;-)