看完pina bausch 的舞蹈紀錄片 真的有一種說不清楚的感受 我蠻後悔沒有機會到戲院去看~是一部不太適合在自己家電視看的片 可能因為沉重~讓我一直局促不安的起來移動 一口氣看完應該會被這種張力還抱住
最後pina的那句話:「dance! dance! otherwise we are lost舞吧!舞吧! 不然我們就迷失了。」
PINA - Dance, dance, otherwise we are lost - Interna...
i really don't know why...just feel far away from the something that i think i do want it. but i'm not sure anymore. Life could be in vain. perhaps the answer will needs to be spend a whole life to seek for...