Aiba & Sho always sticks together! XD <3
wanna watch ep 82 & 83 of HnA subbed ):
lol. a whatever uniform group member ringed my door's bell. I open and told him no one's at home. He was like "uhm. er." LOL
Omg. changed my phone wallpaper to Sho. Lol. Don't wry, Yamapi, I still have your phone wallpaper in my phone and will be using it soon XD
in some new songs in my phone <3
Sho cosplays as a maid, and he even said he is cute HAHA. MAXIMIUM CUTE! lol.
LOL ! Ohno's slow like windows 95 while Matsu is fast like Window XP LOL
AIBA vs IMOTO is dam hilarious. HAHAHA. Aiba asked "You have raced with a cheetah before right? THen have you race with it with a bicycle?"
my tagboard is soooo deaddd