5Friends 5Fans
female Los Angeles, CA, United States
weirdthestripper has
15 years ago 3
orange chicken! Yummy! (woot)
weirdthestripper wishes
15 years ago 2
she was a little bit taller, wishes she was a baller, wishes she had a guy who looked good, he would call her
weirdthestripper loves
15 years ago 1
you, yeah yeah yeah!
weirdthestripper is
15 years ago
actually a man... teeheehehe
weirdthestripper wishes
15 years ago 2
her lover the happiest of birthdays (woot)
15 years ago
doing some cardio!
15 years ago
shutting your motherboardfucking systems down!
15 years ago
had an onion bagel with cream cheese today! OMNOMNOM
weirdthestripper wants
15 years ago 1
bagels (heart) YUM!
weirdthestripper likes
15 years ago
to rock the party