92Friends 78Fans
male Cibinong, Indonesia
I'm a simple person, but sometime perfectionist. Love all good things. I want to become a Peace Maker, Peace Keeper etc
Wesli says
8 years ago
buset dah... main Clash of Clans nguras batre beud...
Wesli says
9 years ago
so boring in here.... urgghh.. sigh musti nungguin tukang listrik benerin listrik...
Wesli says
9 years ago
It is said on Plurk's front page, this socmed is for student or other people. But it is for gay too.. I am afraid encountering one of them.. eww..
Wesli says
9 years ago
it's been fixed. Don't go to church on every sunday afternoon in rain season. Because the rain will pouring down from the sky...
Wesli says
9 years ago
mantaapp... hari ini convertation class di EF dipending dulu.. it's bcse it has less than 6 students... so gak les dulu deh..
Wesli says
9 years ago
damn.. I can't attend to tonight English convertation class in EF Bogor because the rain is coming again... (app-cry)
Wesli says
9 years ago
padahal kontrak Freeport masih lama. Katanya pembahasan perpanjangan kontrak 2 tahun sebelum masa kontraknya habis. Tapi udah dibahas aja.. mau ngambil sahamnya pasti.. haha.. (:
Wesli hates
9 years ago
Terrorist. They just make this world is not a safe place to live... About what happened in France is not tolarable! And I hope the suspect will get cought by the police in France. #Pray4Paris #Savethehummanity
Wesli says
9 years ago
Apakah hari ini bakalan hujan..?? Kita tunggu saja...
Wesli says
9 years ago
Save the world... save the poor people...