92Friends 78Fans
male Cibinong, Indonesia
I'm a simple person, but sometime perfectionist. Love all good things. I want to become a Peace Maker, Peace Keeper etc
8 years ago
nowatching Durarara X2 1st ARC on Animax
Wesli says
8 years ago
sepertinya saya masih ragu2 utk make Easy Worship... gimana mau nyusun utk minggu depan??
Wesli says
8 years ago
wooowww what I have just said is so poetic...
Wesli says
8 years ago
the karma keep faling down like rain falls from the sky and like snow falls from the frozen heaven...!!!
Wesli feels
8 years ago
Wesli asks
8 years ago
hi people. I want to ask about Google built-in Apps. Is there problems if I uninstal few of them? Because I don't want to use few of them. If you know something, please let me know. Thanks.
Wesli feels
8 years ago
Wesli says
8 years ago
Finally touch down at hotel's bed... soo sleepy...
Wesli says
8 years ago
: karma terus menurun,,,, haha..
Wesli says
8 years ago
Bravo Travel BBM Channel Pin: C003B5BEA. Kalian bisa pesan lewat PIN BBM Channel kami!!