10Friends 25Fans
male San Francisco, CA, United States
radio DJ on LIVE 105 KITS San Francisco M-F 7PM-MID! www.menace.fm
whitemenace says
14 years ago
I'm liking the "kik" app! username: whitemenace . I didn't know so many people already had it. Must have been sleeping on this one.
whitemenace says
14 years ago
I just got on the "kik" app my username is WHITEMENACE and name white menace.
whitemenace says
14 years ago
Any hardcore Raider fans in or around San Francisco want to go to the game today?
whitemenace says
14 years ago
Study shows facebook is the leading cause of divorce and friendster is the leading cause of never getting laid.
whitemenace says
14 years ago
I'm still at the radio station! I can't sleep.. So I thought I would book everything I need of my #Coachella trip thats 6 months away.
whitemenace says
14 years ago
Video: Lil Wayne surprises Drake at Vegas concert. He's back... tinyurl.com/25gl6nc via: JohnnyCupcakes:
whitemenace says
14 years ago
I'm shooting radio waves through your body until midnight on LIVE 105.3! The word of the night is "hedonism" and "caca"
whitemenace says
14 years ago
I'll be on the radio tonight at 7pm on LIVE 105.3 talking about mathematical equations and moonbeams.
whitemenace says
14 years ago
Watching Teen Wolf using Apple TV + Netflix. #80s
whitemenace says
14 years ago
If I could be any animal I would be Lindsay Lohan.