33Friends 1Fans
male United States
30+, he/him

currently playing: Rama Raju | RRR Singillatim
I'm bad at social media and haven't used Plurk in a while, but I think I still get email notifications for private plurks if you want to plot stuff.
4 years ago 1 @Edit 4 years ago
cries in asexual

4 years ago 32
writing pet peeve: when an event in the past is explained or clearly implied in the narrative of the present, and then the narrative goes back in time to explain that event we already know about
5 years ago 10
Things I have found in just 10 minutes of looking for a drill battery in the storage closet:

- a wallet with the symbol of a team I have never rooted for containing no identifying info and $40

- a half stocked survival kit in a seethrough plastic bag

- an openable lamp containing a full set of some hardware thing

- a sink faucet with knobs still in box
5 years ago 3
stumbled on one of those pieces of amazon-product-question gold today
5 years ago 3
customer purchase of the day: NOW that's what i call YACHT ROCK
5 years ago 9
facebook won’t let me say on my profile that my “name with title” is ‘the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of This World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness’
5 years ago 3 @Edit 5 years ago
saw one of those picrew dollmaker selfie things on tumblr, the drawing style used for it is so cute
5 years ago 8
is vr d&d a thing
5 years ago
Highlight of the morning: sign in the back of a car’s windshield that said, ‘chill bitch you’ll get there’
5 years ago 2
feelin the existential despair in this walmart tonight