when you ask someone for a small favour and they act like you've asked for their soul.
I hate it when they put spikes on store signs. People chopped down all the trees. Where are the birds SUPPOSED to nest? Bastards...
so tired. Spent the day at the mall. How was/is your day?
watching Alice In Wonderland with the boyfriend.
working on a valentine's day project. This is labor-intensive...
listening to Panic! At The Disco... Boredom? Yes.
Just watched Boys Don't Cry with my boy. Holy FUCK is it depressing... I fucking BAWLED at the end. Omg.
Hmm..... Perhaps plentiful picked pornographers peruse patiently poised pricks. Precisely. (I just love alliteration. Don't you?)
Wow... there is Transformers art porn out there. Scarred.