22Friends 21Fans
female Cedar Creek, TX, United States
Mom, grandmom, knitter, gardener, naturalist, blogger, web technician and enthusiast.
yarnmaven says
16 years ago
I can't see Wendyknits -top plurker, is Plurk broken?
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 1
Today is the last day of my vacation. Somehow it doesn't seem enough time.
yarnmaven says
16 years ago
gardening yesterday yielded multiple fire ant bites on feet. Owweeee!
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 5
So are knitters the only people on Plurk? Just wondering.
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 5
Man, I lost all my karma - I bet that's not a good thing. Don't know if I can manage plurk.
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 2
Ack! My karma keeps dropping cuz I don't have time to plurk.8^P
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 4
New Knitty's out y'all!
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 1
I must be waiting too late to knit - I keep screwing up the math on this Cece. I hate lace.
yarnmaven says
16 years ago 4
I plurk, but I don't know why. I'm, not very good at it.
yarnmaven is
16 years ago
I'll play with any new toy that comes along at least once.