10 jeepneys, 1 bus, 1 tricycle, & 1 company carpool all in one day + scorching heat of the sun + heavy backpacks + pollution + AWESOME company + Accomodating staff = Sweet Crystals Plant Visit
Doctor told me to lay low strenuous exercises and take meds for two days bc of my muscle strain. Not gonna happen, it's my only de-stresser.
Remember, happiness starts with YOU. Not with your relationship, or your friends or your job. But with YOU.---Frank Ocean
Horoscope's never really been my thing. Just saying
I'm gonna let that slip away. Why can't people let other people do whatever makes them happy without judging them.
Tangina lang ng nagsabi nito, sarap sampalin ng dictionary!!!: English-ing doesn't makes you look sosyal. Ha-ha-ha Funneh
Somebody invited me to go trail running. Anyone else down for this?