哇 今天和JOE去辦就學貸款時遇到了一位清純又有氣質的姊姊 在我心目中轉角姊姊變第二名了 對不起
fuck word limit! our time is disrupted/suspended from the wait, which accumulates and results into the the descriptive experience of boredom
thinks 14 years ago
Heidegger suggests that we experience boredom because of Waiting, hahaalol, "waiting" not her; our time is disrupted/suspended from the wait
bored, why do we experience boredom? explain boredom, is it emptiness? idleness? lack of direction? wtf??? i asked the wall
why is there a word limit, how am i suppose to express shit with a word limit
using oldschool 56K dial-up internet...sweet vintage