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United Kingdom
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Find and save ideas about Anti bullying campaign from Yuyell Safeguard. See more about Anti bullying , and how to stop Bullying. Know more how to stop Islamophobia in Uk. (wave)
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Yuyell Safeguard can contribute towards creating an ethos of peer vigilance, and shared values that stand up against unacceptable and illegal behavior. Yuyell Safeguarding App is very easy to download and learners can use it to report their concerns regarding their own safety. Stop Islamophobia in Uk by Yuyell. (wave)
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Over the years, Islamophobia has grown at a rapid pace and has become a major issue around the globe.Here are Top 5 Tips that can help you to Stop Islamophobia in Uk. For more information just Call Us +44 (0113)4400303
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Over the years, Islamophobia has grown at a rapid pace and has become a major issue around the globe.Here are Top 5 Tips that can help you to stop
Islamophobia in Uk. For more information just Call Us +44 (0113)4400303
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Yuyell is a centralized Safeguarding Management System in UK with an integrated Mobile Phone app for learners to report their concerns, and spawn early intervention. Its simple and user friendly interface encourages vulnerable young people to report any issue, anytime and from anywhere. (wave)
yuyelluk is
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
At the point when your child is being harassed at school, it can be extremely upsetting for their Parents. and be fuddling on what ventures to take to get the tormenting to stop. Yuyell Safeguard helps you to Stop Bullying in schools. It help to stopping #Sexting, #Radicalisation, #Extremism and #Islamophobia.
yuyelluk is
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Yuyell #SafeguardApp provides help for adults & children on how to deal with #CyberBullying. Get Bullying advice from our Experts and our Anti Bullying Campaign.
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Get Best All-in-One Safeguarding App. This app has been developed by our Processional in #Leeds, #UK. No installation costs, no additional payments require. (wave)
yuyelluk is
7 years ago
Statutory Guidance for colleges and schools on Safeguarding children. Maintaining kids safe in training: colleges and school.Get best and simple way to Keeping Children Safe in Schools by our Yuyell #SafeguardApp.