Little kids are just like that, they can't handle things appropriately. On their own.
I don't like the idea of us having cold wars but what is all this shit about?
On the way to Ahs, heart rate is increasing since around 11am. I'm weak...
I'm having flu right now.. And I lost my vicks -.- dammit.
Am extremely unwell right now, damn the sore throat..
I missed the laughters and fun when i'm with Ahjipalan. I love the heart2heart talks with some of them..
\"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you away from playing the game.\" I wanna win that match very much..
Say till you jiu pissed, always do the things you like only. Go die la
Didn't eat my medicine last night and i'm having serious coughing right now. Add on to a slight flu.