just one more day of midterms to deal with, then i can relax for.. a little bit
go to take a nap, sleep for eight hours
thunderstorm, you're making me really not want to go to class
haven't even been working 30 minutes and my PDA is already pissing me off
i don't think there's much i hate in the world more than a time restricted essay
work today dragged on forever, and now I'm just going to study the rest of the day since I have an exam tomorrow
holy crap am i more tired than i expected
well i definitely wasn't expecting the university gamestop to have a system set up outside of the store with people playing P4A on it
wow has the leasing office still not processed my check
this chocolatey delight special k just kind of became a pile of chocolate at the bottom of my bowl rather than mixed in with the flakes