woohoo movie movie wait for me i wait u at cinema here i come wakkakka~
last adee hope evrybdy fight for it haha~ gooodluck wakkakkakka~
yo driving to kl hehe on 1st feb wakkakka ~ kl i comming my fren i cumming ~ muahhahha~
Last nitez ~ good nitez ~
sry finally i choose to hide
hey hey u jz attend n write ntg = =|||
这个世界变了环境变了他们变了他变了你变了我也变了 没有人能回到从前 没有人能找回失去的时间 我也一样 你也一样 任谁都一样
evryting is change world is change environment is change thy are change you are change im change nobdy cn go bck cant find bck the lost time
lalalala lalalala wan finish lor left 1 subject nia lalalala~