camyden is
16 years ago
wondering what everyone's opinion is on using different identities for different niches?
latest #6
camyden says
16 years ago
wow that default pic is ugly lol will have to upload my pic tomorrow
Allan says
16 years ago
I would rather be who I am across different niches and platforms.. cames across as being open/nothing to hide.. :-)
Allan says
16 years ago
(s_high_five) G'day camyden you're right about the pic - didn't think you looked your usual self..
angesbiz says
16 years ago
I thought about doing that but seems too difficult being different identities... better to be self in all of them :-)
camyden says
16 years ago
thanks for the input guys I'm in a quandry about it hmmmm have to think on it
mousewords says
16 years ago
Hi! (s_bye) I also find it easier to stay with one ID--makes it easy for others to recognize, too
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