kirakitty is
15 years ago
pondering good cheap places to get t shirts and hoodies
latest #11
15 years ago
Old Navy?
Kara Timtam
15 years ago
If you have Big Lots, McFrugal or other cheapie stores in your neighborhood, try there first of course!
Eleanor says
15 years ago
My twentysomethings go to the local resale shops - even Goodwill for their hoodies.
Kara Timtam
15 years ago
Threadless is having a sale on their artsy caption shirts:
Kara Timtam
15 years ago
today only I think but have a look
15 years ago
Thanks for all the suggestions
☠DjinniGenie says
15 years ago
, "My Mom has found big designer labels at Goodwill before - in perfect shape - for 5 bucks or less!"
Frau Löwey thinks
15 years ago
bale stores are possible, but only for those who are physically fit.
kirakitty is
15 years ago
of more the fluffy variety than the physically fit...
☠DjinniGenie thinks
15 years ago
we need to get FrauLowey a scooter.
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