103Friends 48Fans
male Bethpage, NY, United States
And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil
By telling truth: tell truth and shame the devil.
If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither,
And I'll be sworn I have power to shame him hence.
O, while you live, tell truth and sha
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10 years ago
Sluggo, my dog. A face only a mother could love...
10 years ago
Good morning. Plurk seems awfully messed up today.
10 years ago
Dammit, I'm going to miss the Buzzcocks. Oh well, family comes first.
Hotspur shares
10 years ago 13
Well, that was an exciting development to happen at 70+ MPH!!
10 years ago 4
I'm so glad I use Android, or all those indiscreet photos would be ALL OVER 4chan.
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10 years ago 8
10 years ago 3
Clio had her leg amputated yesterday and was on a morphine drip all night. She woke up confused and querulous, complaining loudly, and demanding food, then seconds. ALL good signs.
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10 years ago 5

Poor little Clio. I feel so bad for her.. :'-( (tears)
10 years ago 12
my little dachshund shattered her leg. Looks like it's going to be amputated. Very sad right now.
10 years ago
Went to a going away lunch at the O Club. It was so packed,I felt like I was committing frottage whenever I reached for the condiments.