Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
using google chrome... the new browser... so far it seems fast and hasn't broken any sites.
latest #17
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
this is weird... google's internet browser chrome doesn't have a google search box...
EdVentures says
16 years ago
it's tied into the address bar known as the Omnibox
EdVentures says
16 years ago
takes a bit of getting used to
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
i just saw that... almost switched back to firefox to use the google search box....
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
just what we need ANOTHER name for a commonly understood tech term: no more address bar now it is the Omnibox
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
chrome just crashed in plurk
EdVentures says
16 years ago
really? It's been running ok for me. Running any unusual apps/sites?
Ben Hazzard
16 years ago
no i've got 5 tabs open: 1) html based webpage (basic), 2) my wordpress blog, 3) twitter, 4) plurk, 5) local newspaper website
EdVentures says
16 years ago
hm, me too. Zimbra, Google Reader, Plurk, our Luminis portal and hellotxt - so far no problems for me.
Ben Hazzard will
16 years ago
be interesting to see how this browser holds up over a few weeks of use
EdVentures says
16 years ago
yeah, I'm going to give mine a steady stream of activity.
☆ stacy 8/2013 says
16 years ago
I had two snaps...both having to do with Plurk
EdVentures says
16 years ago
I did notice that I could comment once and when I went to comment again sometimes it would freeze until I closed/reopened the Plurk.
16 years ago
thanks for the info, I thought of downloading it today, but may wait until I survive my data day tomorrow!
tjshay says
16 years ago
Hi, Ben! I haven't seen you around much lately! Just wanted to say hi!
dedra says
16 years ago
we miss ben
scarter says
16 years ago
Still like firefox
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