everyone to say hi... I have been away from Plurk for awhile and need to reconnect
Any plurkers going to NAtional Midle level next week?
words you would put on a wordle for technology inthe classroom
Help plurkies... can you show me all the plurks on ning alternatives you like?
anyone have alist of IPOD apps for the classroom?
what she missed in Plurkville after a 12 hour day teaching PD !! Long day... two schools and lots of needy teachers! WHew... I am off to BED
SMARTBOARD QUESTION: I have akoosh ball template but it wont work.. is there a setting that needs to be changed?
whew! home from a presentation in Northern OK... Had to be up at 4 AM to get there on time.... so tired.. I am going to crash for awhile
Does anyoen have any PLC resources?