[pride thing/rp thing/a lot of thing] demisexual. That's the only thing I'm sure of. Everything else is ???????.

Also I may have accidentally idled out of Heckin because my attention span was all over the place this month whoops...
latest #23
I didn't realize until I looked at the date that I hadn't put in any AC
Also I may be getting even busier this month because what is helping my triad settle in so... chances of me apping back are low rn...
I want to jokingly say hdu but I dropped so..
Definitely coming back after the busy season though
whoops... guess we both dipped... and yeah, once my head's screwed back on I'm def coming back if my spot's still open!
3 months ago
i'm sure if you brought it up to ash then ash would be cool but also I GET IF UR BUSY. i almost fucked it up too lol
3 months ago
anyway relatable on "everything else is ?????"
yamato's brows
3 months ago
Yeah if you talk to ash about it im sure you'll be fine BUT if you need to drop bc busy, we will wait with BAITED BREATH
yamato's brows
3 months ago
I miss your tags but I know that heat has been killin ya
3 months ago
YEAH it's fine if you need a break!!
YEAH sorry guys! Basically, my triad's flying out to my country and I'm probably going to help them settle in so my June's all up in the air BUT GOD WHEN I GET MY ASS BACK THERE
love_letters: Oh, it's less of a heat problem now and just my squirrel brain unable to focus on tags properly!
yamato's brows
3 months ago
THATS TOTES FINE love always comes first-
vitamin cee
3 months ago
BEEN THERE rl always comes first tooo
Enjoy your temporary freedom lmao
vitamin cee
3 months ago
angel like "huh things are rly chill lately idk why"
omg Daily nooooo
3 months ago
i feel like this is extra relevant because it's in spanish. i wish i could find the ones i grew up hearing but APPARENTLY THEY DON'T EXIST.Raid Commercial Spanish 1990s
3 months ago
No worries at all bud! RL stuff always comes first but I SERIOUSLY enjoyed our stuff and looking forward to future disasters
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