I have to have a tooth pulled on Monday and I'm so stressed and freaked out about it. I've been sleeping awful because of it. I want to just cancel and deal with it but I know that not the way to deal so I'll go but I'm dreading it so much.
latest #12
Sometimes Bacon
3 months ago
i hate this kind of anxiety so much
andi can't google anything about it cause I'm scared it will be some horror story and it will make things worse.
MarvelMouse 🐭
3 months ago
Sandy Q
3 months ago
It will be over quickly and the relief will be great.
3 months ago
I totally know how anxious this can make you. You got this though.
You got this!!! Also don’t listen to Dr. Google it’s not always true. Just be sure to rinse your mouth frequently afterwards especially after eating. We’re here for you lieverd!
thing is it doesn't really hurt but there is a shadow in the xray that says there is a slight infection and the tooth is dead so they said I need to pull it. So really I am just doing what I am told to do not so much for pain or anything.
3 months ago
I have had lots of teeth pulled as a kid and it didn't really hurt, there was just pressure
3 months ago
Get it out is better than just dealing with it. That will just lead to infections and a broken tooth.
that's what they said.
3 months ago
I agree not to google it, and I've always had a lot of dental anxiety too. My entire 20s I avoided going and it was a bad move. I'm going low-detail here on purpose to not trigger, but it was very involved and no picnic. Sending comforting hugs, you can do this and then you get to heal ♥
Wishing you strength today. You got this!
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