ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
→ the shovel talk, ama about any of my dudes that i don't volunteer if ur curious
latest #59
would absofuckinglutely give the shovel talk. it would be the most stereotypically dad mode shovel talk, but like. with extremely convincing detail.
just like. "look at me, Chad. Chad, do you know what happens to the human body when you expose it to potassium hydroxide?"
only very, very slightly toned down from this energy:If somebody stole the Impala, what would you do? - S...
fully gave the shovel talk to fucking Lucifer in abraxas lmao
it was simultaneously not very intimidating but also extremely passionate
and then ended it with "So. That's- that's pretty much it. I'll kill you, and... stuff. Okay, good talk." which kind of undermined his energy a little
but he got the point across
Wouldn't say shit, he'd just stand there. Very loudly. He'd very loudly and pointedly stand there, making direct eye contact, looking like he'd fucking straight up just murder a man.
The communication would be crystal clear.
1 months ago
omg i love jack's shovel talk to lucifer. <3_<3 i only really think of shovel talks as being like ...to someone the person is dating but you could in fact give it to anyone!
1 months ago
also, because i can: bucky, jesse swanson, and eliot (if you can still summon him from the ether; i know he's not on the "ask" list, i just love him)
1 months ago
(man, i need to redo my muselist)
Would not give a talk. Sort of like Sandor, he would instead stand right behind the person he's shovel talking on behalf of, with his arms folded across his chest — particularly the metal one — glaring at them as a warning. the difference between them being
he would quip out some dark one-liner shit like "Try not to fall down the stairs, Mike... we'd hate to see you have an accident..."
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
would smile very charmingly, clap someone on the shoulder, look them in the eyes and cheerfully inform them, "If you hurt her, I will find you" pat pat them and walk away.
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
on behalf of someone like margo or like... almost any fierce bitch he's friends with, would say something like
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
"Oh, I don't need to. She'll do it herself, and she'll be much more creative about it. I saw her turn a hotdog inside out with her mind once. Good luck~"
1 months ago
LOVE these. (And then Jesse would also destroy them in song. I mean what.)
I can almost hear the ‘oh~I don’t need to” in Hale’s cadence, haha
1 months ago
(Margo WOULD, too. Ugh, I think SO OFTEN about playing a Magicians character, now that my rage at the writers over the last season is like...a manageable simmer and I can get back to enjoying the parts I loved so much. but I almost like them all TOO much? I’d be so self conscious about getting the voice.)
i still need to watch the final season, i never managed to get there and every time i try i drop the ball lmao but i love that show a lot
1 months ago
I meaaan I don’t personally think there’s anything wrong per se with just pretending it ends at s4e12/an alt ending to e13 BUT I have shows I haven’t finished and it always bothers me so I get it

I love it too (with my obvious bias excluded) -- I think that’s why I’m SO judgy: the first few seasons are SO good, the characters are so good...
u right but also my big ship is penny23/julia and i hear they finally get together in that so it'll be worth for me lol
1 months ago
Ahh yeah you’ll enjoy that part! They’re probably the ONLY ones who get a satisfying ship out of the show lol
i have heard the bad spoilers for a lot of folks and it's very disappointing
1 months ago
Yeah :-( I also just like. Feel bad for the actors, Hale especially tbh, bc before/into s4 he and Jason were interviewed a LOT about Quentin and Eliot and he was clearly happy to be playing out this slow burn kind of thing that also reveals a lot of growth for Eliot (and Quentin!), as a queer guy. and then like ....oh well!
yeahhhhhhhh they just
straight up ripped that shit away and did hale dirty
add him to the list of "send your gays to superhell" i think he's an honorary member
1 months ago
I know she wasn’t still working on SPN at gays in superhell but I feel like somehow Sera Gamble has to do with this lol
i will fucking always be down to blame sera gamble for anything wrong with supernatural
i had to watch season seven live, as it was airing, with my own two eyes, every week
i will never forgive
1 months ago
Hahaha GOD. I’m prettty sure that was the season I tapped out
most people did and i cannot blame them
it means they missed season 8 which imo is one of the beast seaons of the show
(after 4 and 5 obviously)
i call it season gr8
1 months ago
You’re the one with the ‘start at s7’ theory (or after?) right? I feel like that probably IS true bc then you aren’t expecting it to be early supernatural
1 months ago
I have to look up now what was going on in which season
i am the start at s4 theory
start at s4 and then guide folks through all the eps in s6 and s7 to skip, there are many
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
that are wholly not important and not good and drag it out so long you're likely to quit; you just gotta kinda power through those with only the plot relevant eps or the 1 or 2 that are worth it
and then you're kinda good for a while, and then around s11 through half of s14 you start skipping... quite a lot again
1 months ago
Oh no Plurk is clearly skipping comments here. Time to quit and reopen. Sorry if I’ve been making no sense
1 months ago
Ahh start at s4, it is you who I was remembering but not what season it was. But that makes MORE sense logistically, and also still kinda holds true for people who really liked early supernatural and got worn out (or just weren’t ready for) the long god game

though I feel like I might’ve survived to s8 via your method even starting at the beginning lol
1 months ago
Like, if I KNEW the whole thing was going to change and also to just hit fast forward on a lot of shit, I think i’dve gotten there. But DAMN. Also the summaries I found are via someone asking Reddit for paragraph season summaries and they’re kind of hilarious
when i started at abraxas we kicked up an Spn group watch with a good chunk of people and with this method and the grace of the good lord almighty we did manage to get them through all the way to the end
it took a fuckin age, but we did it
1 months ago
that’s an accomplishment! just in number of hours! lol
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
when the show finally ended I was like ‘it’s been on HOW long- how OLD am I? What - there must be a mistake here somewhere’
truly a shambling beast of spare parts and disdain by the end
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