87Friends 6Fans
Chicago, United States
faye. 30s. they/them.

Abraxas: Teddy Roberts
Still Awake: Camilla Hect
Muselist (WIP)
5 hours ago
Work done, being careful not to be up all night but that means: TDM/tags tomorrow, work in the afternoon! Feeling a little like I can still get back on top of things. In the AM!
11 hours ago 13
jfc self, if you're not going to get work done, get tags done at least. (also, want to throw someone into the TDM just for fun but: Cam? Eponine? ...Mira?? [she's an OC])
Yesterday 3 @Edit Yesterday
I just realized I’d been skipping a day time wise for the ENTIRE DAY counting how long it’s been since I had the seizure. ....It’s time for bed. I can tag tomorrow, when I don’t feel crazy 🫣
Yesterday 18 @Edit Yesterday
reading a text on medieval herbalism for work. one herbalist says: "most of [these] I am confident are true, and if there be any that are not so, yet they are pleasant." I IMAGINE MANY ARE
2 days ago 5
lolll the TLT Holiday Exchange has Dulcie/Pal and Dulcie/Paul but has miraculously not gotten a Dulcie/Cam/Pal nomination. (I cannot rectify this: my 10 noms got approved and I didn't notice. But maybe YOU can.).
2 days ago 5
Okay. Nap (seriously my body needs to get over the ‘we had a seizure’ exhaustion plz), work, maybe tags if I’m very efficient; aiming to be both recovered and on track by the Julien Baker concert on Weds
3 days ago 3 @Edit 3 days ago
Annd winding down(maybe reading?). Is it weird that practically speaking the thing that annoys me most about seizures is how much downtime they require?
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
Mrrr and then I slept for like seven hours and I still feel like I’m wading through mist. Brains are dumb, and I wanted writing time. Just gotta rest through the post-post-ictal though :/
3 days ago 7
welp, had a tonic clonic almost immediately after I posted that last one (I I had started a reply and hadn’t hit send) so staying in bed turned out to be a good decision :///
4 days ago 2
Wellll I was going to stay up late and tag after work, and then I realized I was maybe having a seizure aura. No one else is awake. Took my meds. Lying on my side in bed but. Ugh.