[RL] i’m shook guys. Some guy was hiding in my truck bed today when I got out of work.
latest #38
1 months ago
1 months ago
are you alright?
Only found out because my tailgate is jacked and if you don’t close it just the right way it doesn’t latch and slams open. Well I guess when it slammed open as I was backing up he fled.
1 months ago
what. the. fuck?
For the record, I am OK. The cops came by. They checked the truck just to make sure he was gone.
shinotenshi22: yeah. It’s just setting in now and this happened about an hour or so ago so now I’m starting to get shaky about it. It’s like my brain finally got some time to process it and what could’ve happened.
1 months ago
no, i get that. /offers protective hugs and loves on
Like now that it’s setting in I kind of want to cry but at the same time, I’m just relieved nothing happened
1 months ago
crying is normal. it's a relieving of the pressure
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
glad you're okay!
1 months ago
and agreeing crying is alright here
Crying is normal and would probably help
Yes, but it’s basically taken over an hour for me to hit that point. I wasn’t really shaking about it at all when it actually was happening. I think maybe I was too tired from work and had too many other things on my brain to be super concerned about it aside from going, oh well he’s gone now. now I don’t have a million things on my brain so it’s setting in
1 months ago
that also makes complete sense to me. /hug
Also, I’m literally home alone most of tonight so now I’m extremely paranoid about being alone
Zoan doesn’t even get home from work until around midnight or so and Aiko is currently away on a trip, and then Teena is also at work tonight
It’s literally just me and the dogs
Angry Popoto
1 months ago
Holy fuck, sweetie. Keep the dogs with you, especially Zephyr. Maybe make sure that the gate stays open so that he can get to the doors if needed. And as weird as it might sound, I am so grateful for that jacked up tailgate now.
aikonamika: I’m on my way to the barn right now, but I have cosmos with me since I can’t take Zephyr up there. But yeah, when I get home is basically going to be attached to the hip.
Angry Popoto
1 months ago
I wish that I could call you right now, but I'm stuck sitting on a plane waiting for the weather to pass so that we can finally take off.
1 months ago
Oh that is horrible
1 months ago
So glad nothing happened
aikonamika: call me when you get off work maybe?
fuzzysquish: yeah, me too. That whole situation could’ve gone badly.
Angry Popoto
1 months ago
Also, if you need to go to a hotel to get out of the house, do it.
aikonamika: if I go to a hotel, then I only have Oliver. If I stay home, then I have three dogs, including Zephyr. And you know that Zephyr will bite anybody who comes in the house if I don’t call him off.
the crying started when the adrenaline faded
Angry Popoto
1 months ago
I will call you as soon as I get to the hotel, yes. And that's a very good point about all three dogs being available at home. Zephyr's protective nature can be irritating sometimes, but it can also be really reassuring.
1 months ago
I will be home as soon as i can after work tonight
ZoanTanis: I suggest being overcautious about setting me off tonight
I also don’t wanna hear shit about the lizard
1 months ago
I figured
1 months ago
Aand fair
1 months ago
wish I could do more
1 months ago
OMG I am so sorry my friend. So glad you are home and safe
1 months ago
Love you tons
Bat Matt
1 months ago
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