ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
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ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
5 days ago @Edit 4 days ago
on the docket today:
grocery shopping
sandor tags / the 1 jack tag i owe
commission work
actually... read the docs for the one-shot tonight
roughly in that order
with a lil cleaning sprinkled throughout
cannot get over how they made him look like draco fucking malfoy in whatever movie this is:
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
is he supposed to be old, bc this doesn't read as old to me, it's actually weirdly kind of a good look for Jay
i don't hate it
5 days ago
because it's funny
5 days ago
That second picture is like Jack goals. A real fucking nap, halfway through a book...
5 days ago
(Ok it looks like possibly the Bible or something but maybe it’s just a really dense anthology. Spirit, not letter)
Lol it's exactly Jack goals (and it is a Bible but we ignore that)
He actually does start sleeping after volume 3 a tiny little bit so it works
I love how many Jackisms there are in that movie, it really cements the pb choice
5 days ago
It’s a good PB choice! Like, I can see others, but when I started reading I was like ‘yeah no that’s totally Jack’ And like, yes, it helps that I knew him through your version first but I don’t ALWAYS agree.

I need to get back to finishing the series! Maybe while I’m stuck kinda laid up today.
highkey recommend it. book 4 is a heartbreaking masterpiece that really delves into Jack's personal history and trauma
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
(you get to meet his abusive alcoholic fuckface dad. it's... tense. also, his marginally less abusive but still shitty foster parents.)
like it's still extremely funny and absurd and wacky but the tone also does get more serious than even book 3 did
it's all about processing grief and the lingering effects of child abuse, it hits p hard
anyway groceries done, sandor tags now
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
Duly warned and also weirdly excited to have too many feelings? All my favorite series are like ‘we can fit so much trauma in this thing. ...and BIZARRE HUMOR’ so I guess it’s not that weird
it's a truly impressive amount of trauma, and an equally impressive amount of humor lmao
The Hound was tried was tried by the Brotherhood.#mo...
his absolute fury at being accused of assaulting women and children, being conflated with his brother. i just.
sandor → daisy wild that her dad is cooper from twin peaks
it is wild, yep. and he was so damn good in the role.
honestly i think that actor crushes practically everything he's in, so I'm not surprised to hear it
his character is basically Jekyll and Hyde, so Kyle had plenty of room to show off
oh man, love that
i bet he was entertaining as hell
sandor → bigby

sandor: hm.. might begrudgingly respect this guy
bigby: so anyway i'm a centuries old wolf that eats people
sandor: lol nvm
i only intended to work on half this commission but i wound up finishing the whole thing in one go, so that's actually pretty solid
4 days ago
Nice work!!
Lmao thanks buddy!
i gotta be sure to hit back that quest thread w dean tonight too but that might be after tabletop
also note to self: tag carmy's network post with dean because
u think he's not gonna get real weird about a twinkie after 3 years here
of course he is
man i took a nap so i could be awake for tabletop tonight but i am still... very sleepy
do i shotgun an energy drink
i might shotgun an energy drink
4 days ago
that was me around 6pm after I left work lol
4 days ago
inhaled a Red Bull
handshake meme
i downed a monster
3 days ago
awww JACK. (at carmy’s question)
are you aw'ing his poverty or the banana cake
the banana cake is a book 4 thing so i'd be surprised lol
3 days ago
Mostly the poverty, lol but also even not knowing the context for the banana cake it’s just obviously like -- a meaningful thing?
3 days ago
He’s not asking for something especially COOL
yeahhhh this poor kid, his meth head mom used to lock him out of the apartment when he was like 7 so he'd just wander the complex knocking on random people's doors or digging through dumpsters looking for food
until social services finally stepped in
very used to just. not eating.
which i probably shouldn't be telling u because it's another book 4 spoiler but
i have a lot of feelings
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
gathers to chest
if I ever tdm cam she’s going to have so many people she can fret over in the absence of her necromancer YOU you’re working too late and you need food stop that

I have a lot of feelings and I haven’t even gotten there yet!! By the way I can’t find the other thread wtf but this blue and jack psl IS fantastic
I TRY TO TELL PEOPLE MAN but nobody believes me: shipping with Jack is ridiculously fucking satisfying, he falls in love so well
jack and blue were goddamn precious
we also did a blue-as-sabine au that didn't get quite as long but it was fantastic too
also, hilariously, the blue player is the same one who plays nat in my bucky/nat psls lmao
she is consistently fantastic
3 days ago
Aww, sweet! Sorry about that, had therapy for a bit there. It’s good to have go-to RP friends for PSLs XD

I can totally see the Blue-as-Sabine arc, these series fit into each other REALLY well. Like...not exactly in tone but it’s waves at PSL pretty easy to get them there
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
i have never actually read Blue's series, though I did get the fist audiobook on audible, but for some reason my adhd hasn't been able to latch on
but I've learned so damn much about her through osmosis, aside from Jack stuff i have like 20 long ass psl threads with this Blue and my oc Conner
I know the player ages her up generally but she's still a fucking cool ass character and her canon sounds hella interesting
3 days ago
Also I am perturbed by people not believing you about Jack, I feel like he totally gives that off but maybe this is a case of me over relating to his 100% neurodivergent ass

TRC is a littttle YA, with the additional issue that the first book is clearly kind of a ‘pilot’ but it is definitely worth it. I like the way she’s aging her up, too -- it’s -
she does an absolutely fantastic job. the player usually takes her to college age and makes her like an ecology major or something in that wheelhouse, very environmental activist and it's so nice
feels very fitting with her characterization as I've seen it
3 days ago
- not just a random age up, she kept the end of canon the same so you can basically just read her as post canon (lol what did Gansey DO).

I feel so justified in having had her as an Eco/Soc double major in the jamjar she was in lol haha. Mods over there weren’t particularly into letting us get too realistically activist with our characters, alas
3 days ago
Anyway -- I def do recommend the books, but the first one is a little more First Book In A YA Series. They get more in depth fast though
one day i will conquer my weird adhd about consuming new books and I'll shove that in my ear holes right after i finish reading my wife's rifter saga
3 days ago
lolll sounds fair! I have the same issue with new books tbh, TftGS is the first new series I’ve read in forever
i'm stoked it made the cut
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