latest #73
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
jensen talking about the finale will always vindicate me
anyway i died yesterday evening for some reason and then slept for an entire ice age. i wanna hit folks on the abraxas tdm today
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
esp these two but hopefully more:
- theo
gently updating dean's cr chart for the first time in like 9 months and some of the changes... are vast
steve getting bumped up to family, michael going from enemy to complicated...
removing hate from his list...
i did jack's too while i was at it and it's definitely not me procrastinating doing anything productive
having kind of a hard time getting into gear today even tho i feel better than last night, maybe i will just start with some network tags and see where that gets me
'is that a fucking shark'
dean → lucy why do i get the immediate feeling they're gonna be cute
dean → wanda JEEZE WANDA what do u take him for
dean → teddy if i'm reading comprehension failing this please let me know
sorry 2 noa's inbox
i feel so bad about this sandor tag to daisy........
he's so mean.......
she's spilling her deepest most vulnerable stuff and he's just
a complete asshole
literally any other character i play would have been so soft here
i look forward to him being in game for like 18 months and looking back to this moment after he's had some Growth and gone all (comparatively) soft
not soft soft. but. soft-ish?
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
3 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
i mean compared to s1&2 he's already softer than he used to be but ANYWAY
speaking of soft, 'love' on jack's cr chart for kyle huehue
kyle is his other best friend!! i actually think at this point he's known him almost as long as he's known jerry. maybe short by like... six or eight months
o i forgot to tag him with the god au
i've made an absolute mess of these 2 sections in my tracker but whatever
i need to make an airtable for sandor for sing too while im thinkin about it
do not feel bad about that Sandor tag, it was so damn perfect.
LMAO okay amazing
Daisy is used to dealing with truly evil psychos, so simple asshole is a breath of fresh air.
if this is the low bar he has to clear they're gonna get along gr8
these days he's only a murdery psycho to people who (mostly) deserve it
she probably has a finer definition of who would deserve it, but otherwise, she supports that.
2 days ago
lolll i didn't see this until i answered it. he was missing teddy being sarcastic, but that was probably just as much tone as it was anything else, teddy was a little like whoops i can back up if you want :-P
Naw lol all good!
2 days ago
also these jensen gifs make me SAD lol poor dude
2 days ago
give that man a hug
He really loves the character, poor ol soulbonder Jensen
2 days ago
Hey is there like a template for Airtable or is it just kind of set up to tag the way you’ve got? I should do one of these and might as well use the same format everyone’s using - it embeds and everything!
2 days ago
And lolll re Jensen I would imagine you get attached after like more than a decade and a half 😵‍💫
I'm not sure how familiar you are with it, but airtable's kind of a combo thread tracker + cr chart thingy with dropdowns and shit that make it super easy and nifty and customizable. I can give you a copy of my base if you want and you can just kinda wipe out the threads and the cr sentiments that don't apply!!
ᴘʀᴀɪsᴇ ᴋ'ʀᴏʜɴ 💀
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
and then once you fill it out how u want there's an embed code you can copy/paste into journal entries for cr charts
and it auto-updates when you change stuff in airtable
so you don't have to fiddle with code and shit
i picked it up from the former tony player, i think a bunch of us in abraxas did
you can access it here and you'll wanna duplicate it here:
the og creator put some instructions in there
it's missing a ton of characters bc i've gotten lazy and sometimes i only add them to jack's, or i get behind and forget to add them at all
2 days ago
sweeeet thank you!!
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
it seems pretty -- like you said, all set up to customize, but I may ask you questions if I get stuck if that’s ok? I think I’ll be fine though, just not on the computer so I’m holding off until I move back over
andie 🍳
2 days ago
Wiggles enticingly @ u with my Jellyfish Man
andie 🍳
2 days ago
Me: "Maybe it would be cool to play someone less intense and more in control of his shit for once."

Also me: Picks up the straightest straight man, the most serious of all the serious men to ever serious.
wingedvoices: yeah man! full disclosure i don't have the mastery over it that some folks have, i really use it to the most minor extent, but i can answer basic questions
stickyholograms: its so enticing. im enticed. u have enticed me
IM GONNA SLAM INTO U SOON forgive me for my comatose brain
andie 🍳
2 days ago
Only if you forgive me for mine, though.
absolutely not
andie 🍳
2 days ago
WOW ok ok not very Shower Mommy of you
LMFAO ur right u got me there
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