4 weeks ago
total nonsense:
Tim has, once or twice, gone around with a pen and paper and asked everyone he encounters to draw a shape. any shape.

Then he spends the entire day-slash-night playing...... Tetris. He crosses out the shape he "uses" and then has to figure out how to make that duck-thing-abomination fit in the wall of blocks......
latest #25
4 weeks ago
Jason Todd is out here wearing the crowbar he was brutally tortured with and therefore Tim still insists that HE is not the crazy motherfucker y'all want to believe he is (nottalking)
4 weeks ago
I need to waddle into my inbox again... laughs....... waddles offline instead
when a crowbar gets dropped onto one's lap right before big fight you don't just look a gift horse in the mouth and say nah, i'll just drop it on the ground and leave it
4 weeks ago
If this comes up with Tim, ever, Bruce is going to start with a triangle and add a side every time thereafter
4 weeks ago
crowbars: I'm proud of Bruce for not questioning wtf Jason was keeping it for. HE KNEW
4 weeks ago
And yanno, cringed
his crowbar now
4 weeks ago
Well. It was covered in his DNA.
4 weeks ago
Jason draws a crowbar on the paper. Tim chucks it into the fire. Jason chucks Tim into the fire for disrespecting his culture.
4 weeks ago
Bruce intervenes. Believe it or not, chucked into the fire.
4 weeks ago
Damian reigns supreme as The Adult, Actually
4 weeks ago
Bruce loses his temper at this bullshit and burns the whole house down
4 weeks ago
then pretends he never lost his temper
4 weeks ago
tetris is supposed to help prevent ptsd but then Bruce happened smh
i can't believe damian is the adult here
4 weeks ago
Always has been
4 weeks ago
AND because this will never not make me lose my mind.

Tim, a dumbass, can envision only 3 futures.
1. He's killed
2. He's a killer
3. He gets a dog
4 weeks ago
LMFAO he's ridiculous
dogs for good ends
4 weeks ago
rolling all ends into 1 but yes he wants dog hes just afraid he'll kill it :c
jason can relate
if his dog in sing ever dies he's killing everyone involved and hoping he dies somewhere in there
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