[Work] Was told to reschedule clients for a co-worker that I was told no longer worked there only for said co-worker to text me yelling at me about why I was telling her clients she no longer worked there because the owner was procrastinating and hadn't fucking told her yet.
latest #13
I told her 5 times she needed to talk to the owner and that I was just doing what I was told and she kept bitching at me and harassing me to the point I blocked her
Tire Fire
1 weeks ago
That sort of bad management makes me twitch
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
I want to bite the damn owner
He made the decision to fire her HOURS before I even started contacting clients
I'm like, why did you not fucking tell her yet?
But even more, I'm pissed at the co-worker because the harassment was unnecessary. I was straight up. Contact the owner and ask him. I'm just doing what I was told and she kept fucking going at me. I'm like, stop harassing me for doing my JOB.
You're an easy target for her to attack, which says a lot about her
And it says a lot about me that I wasn't going to take it and just blocked her I guess. Like, I have no respect for her behavior in regards to this either.
Like, I kept as professional as I could about everything.
1 weeks ago
Angry Popoto
1 weeks ago
I saw the texts too, and they were rude as heck. puppyinthecorner was super professional, just a constant stream of, “Not my problem, talk to THE BOSS.” And then being ignored.
1 weeks ago
jfc Sorry sweetie
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