1 weeks ago
tim is going to put Effort into macking on the next cute girl who joins this podunk town I don't make the rules, it is what it is

October spam, episode 2:
latest #75
1 weeks ago
cute boys may also apply as he has had his bisexual awakening and he just will NOT DIE A VIRGIN please somebody anybody
1 weeks ago
chuck him into the volcano
I have had a thinky thought.
1 weeks ago
to chuck him into the volcano cheryl?
Tempting tbh!
1 weeks ago
I knew it
fourboars: I have thrown u a disco
1 weeks ago
that's what Wynonna's gonna do
1 weeks ago
y'all I gotta shout out to Cass she has suffered my tim through TWO GAMES and I swear it gets stupider every time.......
1 weeks ago
kindaklutzy koin if s
1 weeks ago
if anyone's throwing Tim into a volcano, it's def going to be Wynonna
1 weeks ago
......tf is that, that was supposed to say JOIN US
1 weeks ago
maybe someday
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
literal fire
1 weeks ago
it is volcano
If Wynonna had fire powers, he'd be nothing but ash.
1 weeks ago
God works in mysterious ways
Maybe God will smite him with a bolt of lightning.
1 weeks ago
i am weak my bloodline is weak i will not survive the winter
-tim in sing, circa 20what15ever, he doesn't know, control is an illusion, he found a Goldfish Crackers but also lost His Hair Scrunchie the same week of October, how can he be expected to work under these conditions
1 weeks ago
Tim has attempted to grow out his beard twice. Both times have failed. He wants his life back--
1 weeks ago
no beard for tim
jason will grow one just to mock him with it
1 weeks ago
hi gang do we remember those times tim said "nope" even tho several (nice) weirdos were like Please Kill Us We Are In Our Existence Is Agony-

1 weeks ago
on the subject of tim drake and The Riddler being his innr voice or w/e within his subconscious and

1 weeks ago
Tim would also like to ask some nice person to please kill him because there is really, really, really no coming back from

1 weeks ago
crowbars "Jason Todd carrying the crowbar that had his brain matter splattered all over it, like some freak " says Tim, very much wishing he could also have his brains on the outside instead of the inside-
1 weeks ago
Tim and his emotional support Anarky(s)...... takes a breath..... god I hate comic books so much LOL
1 weeks ago
I'm an acrobat
feral ghūl fall
1 weeks ago
Well he does perform Olympic level mental gymnastics
1 weeks ago
thank you the vampire formerly known as du Lac, it means a lot u__u
when life gives you crowbars, you use them to beat the shit out of people ok
1 weeks ago
.............ye sure
1 weeks ago
those who live by the short shorts, die by the short shorts
1 weeks ago
I HAVE TAGS 3/4 OF THE WAY WRITTEN........ yei for me
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
help me find the misadventures of Tim And Bruce attempting laundry, just these two dudes, attempting. laundry. there are bubbles
Many bubbles. Mucho fucking bubbles.
Tim: I know it wasn't me because all I did was add the soap

Bruce: you. Added the soap.
Tim: yeah!!!
Bruce: after I had already. added the soap...

Tim: yeah !!

Im_Helping .jpg
1 weeks ago
he's a simple creature really
1 weeks ago

he lies,
1 weeks ago

he dies,
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Im staring at this imminent tag bomb and. why is tim crying today, idk he probably remembered that swans can be gay
1 weeks ago
HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN RUSSIA <- someone will end up with this in a tag and I'm not convinced he's wrong
tim is going to drive jason nuts
Well Jesus Christ, I'm alone again, so what did you do those three days you were dead? Cause this problem's gonna last more than the weekend

Jesus Christ - Brand New
I. Tag. Tonight!!!
tea tag
I would like to tag but I drank wine and played The Long Dark instead lmao
so tags are tomorrow
🎵 *Do you believe you're missing out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else
But with nobody in your bed
The night's hard to get through*
Tim you cannot continue to buy friendships (using FRIENDSHIPS very loosely but also MOUNTAIN DEW POPCORN....... )
(That is a link to popcorn)
(I'm so hungry)
-tim probably
His eyes finally give up the gig- he focuses on the ornate box that Grandmother holds close. Not a Mother Box.

Not a Mother Box

.....that Tim has seen before.
That Time Tim Drake Hunted Down A Mother Box
once I did a 'what is your character's woofsona' plurk because Sing has Gone To The Dogs (ba dum tsssh) and I said tim is that working border collie stuck in a novice pet home where Everyone Is Frustrated And Screaming but I lied, I've taken it back

Tim's a bloodhound

god help you when he's on the trail of something awooowoowoo
currently he's on the trail of making n absolute ass out of himself and you know what that's just another tally to the bloodhound column

god help you
I been thinking about Tim's dogsona

(if you keep me around your timeline then that's on u) :
I fell into the trap of fandom when I first said border collie LMAO biddable WHO, HANDLER SENSITIVE WHO
sensitive yes, but he's also the type of dog who will make you study up on the definitions of Aversives and Punishment:

try to make him go your way through applying aversives and it will be a very punishing stimulus..... to you
at best you can align agendas with timdog
the better recourse is to hang on tight to that long lead and let him do his work (and then feed him after and everybody is happy)
I do subscribe the "batfam majority is herding breed coded" but yknow. Not all. Tim's need for control vs his need for pursuit is going to continue living rent free in my head until I come up with THE DEFINITIVE DOG TO PERSON TRANSLATION of comic book characters
until then.......
I need to tag out because my inbox is empty of and that's unacceptable
points at eyes, points at u
LOOK AT ME I'm popping into event tl's only one month and one week late :-))
so proud
this is totally my attempt to cope with rising nerves bc of the big move lol
18 hours ago
Tim being A BAD BOY is so funny he's such a square. He's meeting up w Levi the Soviet Werewolf (short king) to find moonshine after the big battle and he's flailing on the inside u__u
18 hours ago
Tim: here have something to drink

18 hours ago
sorry March the bros are gonna raid ur house
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