6 days ago
For some reason I'm actually kind of scared of graduating high school in a couple of months
School is often really stressful and unpredictable but at the same time really predictable and familiar and consistent and I don't know what I'm going to do after 12 years (this is lighthearted and not exactly negative though!)
Sigyn Silica
5 days ago
I went through similar difficulties when I graduated high school. I couldn't remember a time when I hadn't had school to do in some way shape or form and for a few months after I had no idea what to do with myself all day
I think I'm only just now learning how to fill in those gaps
Sigyn Silica
5 days ago
trying to say I relate to your struggle and we are in this together but doing it weirdly 💜
5 days ago
thank you so much!! <3