3 days ago
Guys tom holland says they're working on a spider man 4
I'm actually so hyped abt this omg
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
I'm so preemptively sorry
3 days ago
Cause you think it's gonna be bad? Spider man has been the only thing marvel has done right recently
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
yeahhhhhhh bc Sony still owns him
I won't be a killjoy and tell you not to get your hopes up
3 days ago
I'm cautiously optimistic. Besides, the acting will be good, at least. I'd say I trust Tom Holland to only agree to it if it's any good, but we all thought the same thing abt Hiddleston, so idk
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
I k n o w r i g h t Hiddleston betrayed us all T-T