Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
y'all Markiplier made The Edge of Sleep into a show???
latest #10
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
making a massive bowl of stir fry to eat while I watch this bc I am s o h y p e d
anything this man is in is an utter delight
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
plus I loved the audiodrama
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
and it's g o o d
there's so much more symbolism he couldn't include in just an audio format
the visual foreshadowing of Everything
the dream sequences? So cool I'm halfway through and noticing a few differences but ultimately it's amazing
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
I really liked the one scene in the audiodrama where Dave (Mark's character) knows the sleeping pills are dangerous and links sleeping to the pandemic all by his lonesome just because someone refers to them as Elephant Tranquilizers
and they didn't do that in the show, they had Linda figure it out without any elephant symbolism
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
which dampens the effects of Dave's nightmares I feel however they're already changing stuff
I think the name of the monsters in the dream was the Goobles? there was a sickening nightmare sequence in the audiodrama that genuinely put me off my lunch when I listened to it and I dont think they'll use it in the show
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
It'd genuinely be very difficult to do and still keep the show under an R rating
it was that bad
I listen to horror all the time and it was Awful but I do kinda hope they incorporate the monsters somehow
I think Mark is spinning this with a far more direct link between Dave's dreams and Reality
sorta like direct prophecy? which isn't really how it went down
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
in the audiodrama
but dang y'all it's good
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
okay so they cut out a huge subplot
not gonna spoil either the show or the audiodrama bc they're both extremely good but there were two huge issues to deal with that the show kinda just
glanced over
and there wasn't any pit
just another nightmare sequence
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
still really good though
like genuinely fantastic
the one scene were Dave is running so fast to get his girlfriend to keep from falling asleep and the shot with his poor stumbling self past the graffiti that says "follow your dreams"
what???? that was amazing??? that was so good????
Sigyn Silica
2 days ago
if Mark made smth this great put of the Edge of Sleep even while cutting out half the plot this only has me even more hyped for Iron Lung
that's gonna be a masterpiece
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