3 weeks ago
i think i'm coming down with something so tags haven't happened and i'm currently on the couch huddled under blankets with a cup of hot honey lemon tea.

anyway i could use a distraction, so plot with me for december or something?
latest #13
3 weeks ago
i already have some of you on the mistletoe meme and i'll get back to those soon!
3 weeks ago
makes you tea

Feel better, boo
3 weeks ago
recent holiday-themed toplevels:
• mistletoe - steph , hel
• frost fair - hel
3 weeks ago
weefolk ty!!
3 weeks ago
loyalwolf i hope this is just the weather bc BOO

Hope you feel better quickly!

Also, I want to plot something with you.
3 weeks ago
/sends Healing!Vibes and Warm!Vibes
/adds more blankets and lends you her golden aussie furbutt for cuddling
I'm starting to worry that I'm coming down with something too 😭

you bundle up extra snuggly my dear!!
3 weeks ago
thewrittenfae Autistic_Ace oxfordcomma expectedtheworld thank you friends!! blanket fort is a goooo hahaha i'm also chugging more tea today since i'm still not feeling well, but at least also not worse lmao
3 weeks ago
oh and sure thewrittenfae, just let me know your ideas!
3 weeks ago
feeling better tonight and i was able to do some short tags, so hopefully i'll be able to do more before bedtime! thanks everyone who tagged me
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