69Friends 6Fans
female Illinois, United States


Author of some Books
( Tracky Plurk ) Just to pin a few posts I want tracked to the top of my Plurk
Trying to stay positive. Mom got me these cute antler clips
This is the holiday present from Department Head this year to select few.
haven't been able to kick the sick so mom is dragging me to urgent care to see if it's something I can get meds for...
I am home! Nothing says home like a clingy boi that will pin you down, with your arms trapped under a blanket mind you, and aggressively groom your face. Lmao
generate smut prompts while I man a conference booth!
Food Catch’all while in NOLA
today is travel day. Does anyone else have mini DO I HAVE EVERYTHING I NEED PACKED panic as you wait for the taxi to come get you...?
I open the suitcase to pack my clothes and this immediately happens...